A Special Note to My Readers



You may have noticed I’ve taken a brief hiatus from writing my “Turn, Turn, Turn” series… but I want you to know I’m getting back to work!

Several happy activities have interrupted my writing flow: a flurry of spring cleaning and home repairs that were crying out for attention (we’re planning a house move very soon, too); a two-part visit from my parents, the Luddites; and a very special week with my best friend from my childhood/early teens, who had never visited my home until this visit. (She lives in Edmonton, where my parents still live.) We had a fantastic time together, and packed every minute with talking, hiking, eating, thrift store browsing, and more talking…. We share a very special bond and never run out of things to discuss.

I thought I might squeeze some writing time in while all this was going on, but that was pretty unrealistic! Hopefully, many of you have been busy with happy spring endeavours, too.

I’ve just posted a light article about my recent, fateful venture into roller skating, which took place about one month ago, but is still resonating in my body, and not in the nicest way, either. Hope you’ll check it out and share your tips and embarrassing stories with me, too!

As for “Turn, Turn, Turn”, there are still more articles I plan to write; among them will be articles about finding a way to process and complete grief work, learning to trust God again, losing – and finding – my ‘religion’, and where Henry and I are at these days, both physically and spiritually. (I know some of you have been waiting for that article since the series began last year!) I hope you’ll keep checking in and expecting some new posts fairly soon… though I’m not going to box myself in by setting any specific dates. I put a lot of time and thought into each article, so it may take a little while before the next one is ready. Please be patient and don’t forget me!!

Thanks again for all your support, feedback, and online friendship. Sharing my story with each of you has been an incredibly healing and wonderful part of my journey!

8 replies »

  1. Thank you so much for this article/note. This was so encouraging! Don’t ever let the Wookies win! Your man loves you with so much deep deep love and that is a blessing Marilyn and what you wrote today and yesterday and everyday and who you are is everything that he loves about you. The God in heaven that created the heavens and every hummingbird also created you exactly and precisely for Henry and God gave you that gift you have to reach and teach people, mentor all of us who oh so badly need a mentor! God knew you when you were in your mother’s womb and He knew that all of us would need you! I have moved 30 times in my lifetime and I am still not very good at it and it is not my favorite pastime, so I truly will pray for you. Although you are awesome at it! (Smile) Best of everything and blessings to you as you move!


    • Dear Marilyn, Just today I thought of you, one of many times and decided to try to reach you to ask if there would be more articles. I am so eager to hear more of the story. Are you moving cities or just houses? You and Henry are and always will be a part of Dan and my lives. We love you and look forward to hearing from you again.


      • Hi Mary, Thanks for the note! I really want to continue writing, but have been SO busy with our move…We are moving cities, getting our house ready to rent (tons of repainting, renovations, repairs, etc.), about 4 hours away. Henry is already living in the new city, but just renting a room for now. We have to find a place to move into… Daniel is moving out, Tassja is graduating and also wants to stay in the area and not move.. So our family is ‘breaking up’ too. I’m doing a lot of the work here to save money, but it’s exhausting! And I’m still teaching/editing as well. With all of this, I can only DREAM about writing… but I promise, I will get back to it as soon as I can.
        Love to you and all your lovely family!


  2. Can’t wait to read what you’ll be writing about “learning to trust God again, losing – and finding – my ‘religion’. I know you might not want to write about it here but I wonder what your thoughts are on “Kip’s” new movement. I read a blog by a member who recently left his movement and it’s deja vue. I never knew Kip personally but he certainly must have charisma for so many people to want to follow him after knowing or reading about the drawbacks of following his directives.


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